When a sailing ship don't need her moon

Publicerad 2010-06-06 16:32:33 i ,

Today, I feel, Fairly rigid
When I see you, Feels something wrong

I wonder if, This works
Sometimes it feels like, That I can not manage more

For every day that passes, Plants hole in my heart
The only thing that is, Is this horrible pain

Right now everything feels, Quite so hopeless
What good timing, For I feel lifeless

So I lay down, And close my eyes
So nice to see nothing, I might not open them again

My life is like a secret, My heart is under the auspices
You have to be discreet, When you have privacy protection

Although it is old, Are my memories are full of pain
They are everywhere, Especially inside my heart

No one knows what happened, I do not understand
Not even someone I knew, Know that I consists of unhealed wounds

I wish someone could see me, Be able to tell my darkest secrets
I am after all an ordinary girl, Whose memories are full of trouble


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